Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Buy Nothing Challenge - wrap up.

My buy nothing challenge is officially done! And, I do not feel the need to rush out an buy something! YAY! I declare it a success. :)
This past weekend we did take the family to a movie AND we bought snacks while we were there. We spent $26. I feel a little bad about spending the money, to be honest. Some friends had told us that UP was playing at the cheap seats, and we decided to go kind of last minute really. We had wanted to see this movie, and we don't usually take the kids to many theatre movies so it was nice to enjoy that with them. We actually made a deal with the kids on this one - back at Christmas we had given them a coupon for a family bowling night and I had put aside some cash for that - but we could not come to an agreement about when to use it as there was always someone who didn't want to go. So, we traded the bowling night for the movie day. A good trade, as everyone was happy to hit the theatres.
Don't ask me how the movie ends though since Dora had to pee and I had to leave the theatre with her, causing a chain reaction with Will breaking down after I left and Keith having to chase him up the stairs as he tried to catch up with me. Grr... Note to self - if you buy the kids a drink, don't give it to them until halfway through the movie.
Second note to self - movie popcorn is so delicious and ridiculously overpriced.

Onward and upward - September is a new month!


Jobina 6:12 AM  

at least you took them to the cheap theatre and not the other one! That would have cost you $80-100!
And yes, movie popcorn is SO good!

Anonymous 10:56 AM  

Sounds like a fun time.

That is neat that you did a no buying challenge. I just posted something about not dpoing gifts anymore.


About Me

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I am mom to 3 kids and in process to adopt another from Ethiopia. I run a home daycare for teacher's kids and enjoy taking pictures. I love God and I love my family! :)

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